Yearly Archives: 2016

The Solution is Near! 36

A few weeks ago, we debuted our “teaser” video for our forthcoming crowdfunding campaign. We were so delighted that so many people were able to relate to the pain points shown in the video. As we approach our campaign launch it dawned on me how important it is to be […]

Seeing is Believing!

The momentum for Diversame is growing.  People keep asking, “when can I buy it?” The excitement is based on mostly my word, integrity and the power of Facebook live videos! Late summer, I did a few demos via Facebook live on It’s a Natural Thang using the Diversame Styling Tool […]

Representation: Art imitates Life

How many times have you watched after school specials (remember those?), big budget movies, perused through magazine articles where the actors or models looked like you?  How many times have you silently compared yourselves to the images in the magazines, coveting and comparing?  I know I did.  I can still […]

Another One Bites The Dust 245

Cue the familiar Queen bass line ( and don’t confuse it with Chic’s Good Time’s) That’s what comes to my head every single time I break another traditional “comb piece.”  I’m up to about 2 per week. Styling textured hair requires strong tools and accessories.  I go  through more combs […]

The Road to Demo Day

  There’s a dry erase board at Gear that has kept count of the number of days until demo day since we started back in September. As of today, we have 19 days until Demo day! The reality is exciting and a bit sobering all at the same time. As […]

Welcome to Curl’s Best Friend! 26

  Over the last year, I was introduced into the wonderful world of Pittsburgh start-up accelerators.  Fast forward to less than a year later.  I applied, pitched and was accepted into this cycle of AlphaLab Gear (ALG).  AlphaLab Gear is a hardware accelerator program that  provides seed funding and mentor-ship. […]